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KRL Publishing is an independent book publisher of ordinary people, with extraordinary testimonials of trials and triumphs. These same people, have an undeniable passion to touch the lives of others in a way that is transparent and relatable to everyone from all walks of life.

 – Kimberly R. LockAuthor


About Author Kimberly R Lock


Kimberly Lock had no desire to write a book. In fact, she often states: “Being an author was never on my list of career options.” There are a few matters that were never on Kimberly’s list:

  • Being the wife of a Pastor
  • Being a mother of 5 children
  • Losing a child through death
  • Having an estranged relationship with her dad
  • Launching her own publishing company

As with most of us, life brings about many unexpected challenges. The question then raised is: “What are you going to do about it?”

Kimberly Lock began her journey of writing in 2011, while pregnant with her 5th child. She was uncertain if writing was an uncharted dimension that she was supposed to pursue. Kimberly questioned within herself: “Who is going to listen? Who will read this book? What makes me credible to write?” As she prayed and sought the Lord for guidance, she heard a voice say: “I made you credible.”

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

With the assurance in her spirit to press forward into unchartered territory, Kimberly launched out into the deep. The journey has not been easy. In 2012, Kimberly Lock released a book through and independent publishing company. The book was entitled: “Who You Callin’ Silly? How a Silly Woman Becomes Virtuous (WYCS).” The reviews were great, but to her surprise, there were some negative and hurtful comments written on a book that only sought to inspire women to recognize their worth through the eyes of God.


Nevertheless, she journeyed on. Kimberly relies heavily on the word of God to get her through trials of life. She recalled a verse stating that everything works together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Being one who always walked on eggshells, careful not to offend any, she was forced to develop thick skin. Her response to her critics: “Well, they had to read the book; to read the book, it had to be purchased by someone. The basis of the book was the word of God, so at least the word was planted. Their attitude will not dictate my future.”

While WYCS was in print, Kimberly Lock had a vivid dream about a children series, written from the perspective of a child, but directed to the parent. With the series, Kimberly sought self-publishing, where she could understand the entire book publishing process, for herself, to make sure if she would ever engage a publishing company again, she would be able to recognize the scams. During her self-publishing journey, a book publishing company offered Kimberly Lock a traditional book publishing deal for the children’s series. A year into design, Kimberly learned that the company was ending its publication services.

During this transitional phase of publication, Kimberly Lock acquired the rights to all of her previous publications and with the approval from her Father, she launched her own publishing company – KRL Publishing.

Kimberly has written numerous byline articles for magazines such as: Aspectarian magazine, Magic City Morning Star, SAW Magazine, The Charlotte Post,, Sacramento Parent magazine, Christian Post and She has been privileged to speak with various radio personalities and has been the featured speaker for conferences and events

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